If you're curious, are you ready to go into business? What should I do? I've been making soap for 2 months and everybody loves it. What do I need to start my business? How do I know if I'm ready to start selling soap? Can I really make money? Is it too late to start a soap business in 2020? What do. I need in order to start selling my soap? These are just some of the questions that you are making up your own all of it. I will tell you the first thing to do is Inhale, exhale, here's my advice for you. If you are trying to figure out whether or not you should start your soap business. My number one piece of advice is, don't start by asking in a Facebook group. You will probably get eaten alive. There is no right amount of time that you should be making your stove, doing your research and development before. There's some may be able to sell your soap. I have seen people get really excited. They make a couple of patches with soap and then what? I don't care who it is that you asked, you giving it out to your family that might be interested on your kitchen counter in your. closet, where ever made it people inevitably come back and say that is the best thing I have ever used and you start very very quickly. That has soap in the title group of. Everybody loves the first thing that people do. You just said, how are you? How dare you? How dare you, how dare you think that you can start a business? Go the other way, the truth of the matter is when you are or are. not ready to start selling your soap question on three things. Number one. Am I making a safe product? Do I know that I have used? Our faith is not lie, heavy. Do I know that it's working away that I needed to work the spirit that most Advice givers are giving you any. However, that's not the spirit that it comes across as it's more of it. . And I'm not saying that you make a bet you like it and now you put a price tag on that is the farthest thing cuz there's a lot more, but there is no meaning. You understand the entire soap making process. So that you have a safe bar of soap that people can use. So, the number one thing is, is it the number to sing is, are you covered your product liability insurance? I don't care where you live in the world. If someone is unhappy with your product for that, so do you have the insurance that you need in order to be covered? The worst thing that could happen? It is someone has your soap you're not. cover. So make sure that you are covered that way. Have you filed with the state or whatever? Local County? You're in some states and some counties in the United States. So you may not even be able to sell the product legally. So make sure that you take off all of your legal whether or not you're able to sell that product. And then are you protected via insurance? Is it a viable business in this would probably take about 15,000 how much it cost for you to make the soup? And do you know how much you need. to price it in order to sell it at a profit. Those are two very different numbers that whole lot into consideration before you decide. Yes. I'm ready to sell it. And yes, I know how much I'm going to price it at because your pricing is much more than just those ingredients that you're putting into your labor, unless I don't know where you can work in. the world. Something that you're thinking about scaling, you have to take into account all of those costs. Before you $20 for these ingredients. I got 20 bars of soap, out of this batch. That means the dollar per bar. I'm going to just multiply that by 2. I'm going to charge $2 per bar. Soap. Number one. You'll never have that price. And number two, you are missing the boat on so many other expenses when you go from a hobby to a business. So these are just some things to consider when you are trying to decide to take my hobby into a business of soap. Making number one is your through that every single time. Are you covered legally covered financially in terms of product liability insurance. And one other thing to consider is, do you know how to label the product correctly? So, that you're not making erroneous claims know that there are two very different requirements if you're making a soup or. a cosmetic and sometimes a soap What was that last thing? Do you know your cough? And do you know how much you're going to charge people? These are just some of the there is so much. more. There is one thing. It's another thing for your friends and your family to turn around and say, you know that it does change when you go from a hobby to a business. And if you at least start with those three foundational, things like know how to make it. Do I know what it cost me to order for me to price. It appropriately, you'll be in a really good place to answer that question of whether or not you're ready to start your sofa. Oh, by the way, this video to notifications And that we go live because you don't know. Did you see that video that? I didn't see it cuz I didn't click. Subscribe to video. I'll see you next time.